Presented to you


Doug Cunningham

Proud to be the ONLY Independent

Honest, Un-Biased, Straight Forward
Positive Ag Reporter

Doug's Pledge

After years of chasing the biggest and hottest national news stories, I have decided to spend a whole lot more quality time highlighting Life on the Farm, right here in my own back yard. After all, I have been part of the “information you count on” for my ENTIRE adult life and you just don’t shut that off. I understand that the newsmakers do influence your decisions, but I have come to believe that what you DO today far out ranks the NEWS today. In today’s world of technology, you have access to the financial news and markets from a number of places, but after you listen, watch and read or browse the news headlines of the day, you have to lace up your boots, put on your coveralls and head out and get the work done. THAT is precisely what I want to highlight on Today’s Farm Life
Life on the farm is different for everyone and everyone has very different “perceptions” of what life on the farm is really like. Take for example, the very hard work you put forth every day to be good stewards of the land only to be over shadowed by those that have no idea “where there food comes from” or “the responsible way in which it is produced”. On today’s farm life, I would like to help “bridge that gap”.
Today’s Farm Life will always be all about positive and inspiring stories focused on how you ultimately are working hard every day, but fully enjoying your life on the farm as you carve out your little slice of the American dream.
If you have story ideas or would like to comment on a story, you can always call or text me at 605.990.2583 or e-mail me…..
I hope our stories inspire you in some way to feel good about what you do, because what you do is very important.
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